Many organizations distribute shelf-stable sack lunches to their clients who are in need of food assistance, and sometimes daily. Gather your network together for a sack lunch packing party to help feed our fellow neighbors. Here’s a list of organizations who could use your help with sack lunches:
Hungry neighbors come each day to Neighbor2Neighbor looking for nutritious meals and a place where they feel safe, welcome, and respected.
But more than just food, we are there to help them overcome their obstacles to living a more fulfilling life. Our drug treatment specialists are trained to personally engage with each neighbor who is looking for a way out of their habit cycle
Every day MLM gives away sack lunches to people who drop in needing food to get them through the day. We help you plan a packing party that you host at your site. It’s a perfect service project for all ages. Over 750 lunches are handed out each month.
We serve breakfast and lunch, Monday through Friday, at the Don Bakely Community Annex located on the Cross-Lines campus at 646 S. 7th Street Trafficway. All meals are provided within the dining room. We also provide sack lunches for takeaway to individuals on their way to work.