June 13th, 2020
8:00am - 3:30pm
Location will be announced the week leading up to the event. Habitat for Humanity has a separate waiver/release to be filled out, will be linked when provided.
Lead w/ VKC- Chuck 913-707-5944
FB Link
Typical Day:
Arrive at the Habitat office or project site at 8am (we’ll touch base a few days ahead of your scheduled date with location and details), sign in.
To accomplish the most work, it’s possible that Habitat KC could split groups at separate site locations.
We will direct you to your house assignment.
Break for lunch around 11:30 am (must provide yourself).
Enjoy your evening and feel great about all that you contributed!!
Dress prepared for any weather and, of course, to get dirty.
All construction volunteers must be at least 16 years old (federal regulations).
Weather is often a factor; activities could be cancelled due to inclement weather.
Wear shoes with thick, sturdy soles.
Each worker should bring work gloves.
Hard hats, dust masks, goggles and ear plugs are available out on the sites.
Be aware of your surroundings – watch for holes, each other, tools, etc.
If you bring your own tools, mark them clearly.
Jugs of ice water will be on site for your group to share. We encourage you to bring refillable water bottles to use on site rather than disposable cups. If you’d like to bring other nonalcoholic beverages, breakfast and/or snacks, you are absolutely welcome to do so. We just ask your group to help pick up trash around the work site at the end of the day.
Habitat KC reserves the right to cancel a build day due to weather or other circumstances out of their control.